Potential client: US Postal Service and Discover South Carolina
Project: Produce stamps that highlight one aspect of South Carolina’s history, culture, people, or sights. Design a series of four related stamps that work individually and as a whole. 
Brainstorming ideas:
Indigenous tree, vines, paddle trips, rivers, forests
Visited Discover SC website to see which areas were being promoted. Talked with my neighbor who is an avid paddler for best spots to paddle for visuals. Following the visual research I developed 50 thumbnail sketches using reference photos based off the theme paddle trips around SC. Selected 4 to move forward with and further developed the idea with 3 additional thumbnail sketches for each. Selected the four strongest out of the 12 to develop the final 4 stamps.

Initial Thumbnail Sketches
Lake Jocassee, Wawbaw Creek, Sparkleberry Swamp, Morris Island Lighthouse, Chattooga River

Further Developed Sketches
Acrylic on Bristol 6"x7" with collaged figures
Final Stamps
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